Electromechanical relays are usually used to transmit signals and simultaneously control multiple circuits. They can also be used to directly control small capacity motors or other electrical executive components. The structure of electromechanical relay is simple, fast response, stable and reliable performance, and it is widely used in the field of industrial control. The control voltage level and the number of contacts and contact capacity are mainly considered when choosing a electromechanical relay. Chordn offers 6 series of different types of intermediate relays, each with different specifications.
Electromechanical relay is a kind of electrical device that uses electromagnetic force and spring elastic force to connect and break contacts. They are usually used to transmit signals and control multiple circuits simultaneously. They can also be used to directly control small capacity motors or other electrical executive components.
CR10 series is a pin type electromechanical relay, only suitable for base mounting. There are 2CO or 3CO group of contacts and test button can be selected.
CR13 series is a miniature general relay, PCB mounting, socket mounting and flange mounting are available.
CR18 series is a miniature general relay, PCB mounting, socket mounting and flange mounting areavailable. There are 2CO, 3CO, 4CO group of contacts that can be selected, and the test button as an option.
CR15 series thin power relay with 12.6mm pitch is designed for saving space. The load contact rated current is large. There are 1CO, 2CO group of contacts that can be selected, and the test button as an option.
CR14 series thin general relay is suitable for PCB mounting or socket mounting. 1CO, 2CO group of contacts are available.
CR41 series PCB relay is suitable for PCB mounting or socket mounting, with 5.2mm pitch for saving space. 1NO, 2CO group of contacts are available.
Chordn offers 6 series of different types of intermediate relay sockets for use with intermediate relays, each with different specifications.