There are few power supply products that do not rely on semiconductor technology to some degree nowadays, which means that short-circuit protection will extend to thyristors, transistors, diodes, and many other solid state components.
Chordn offers a broad, truly international line of semiconductor fuses to protect these sensitive components.
High speed fuses; Rated 690 VAC; Ampere ratings 0.5A - 125A.
NH Fuses; sizes 00C, 00, 0, 01, 02 and 03; Rated 690 VAC; Ampere ratings 4A - 630A.
Chordn High speed Square Body semiconductors fuses provide maximum flexibility in equipment design and ultimate protection for today's power conversion equipment.
British standard extremely high breaking capacity fuses.
Sizes 01, 02 and 03; Rated 440VAC/250VDC; Ampere ratings 2A-100A.
North American round style fuses.